How to Store and Organize Kids Clothing – Learn with Pea Pea Store

How to Store and Organize Kids Clothing – Learn with Pea Pea Store

Are you struggling to keep your kid's clothing organized and stored in a way that is efficient and easy to manage? As a parent, we all face the challenge of keeping our kids' clothes tidy, especially if you are a working parent with a busy schedule. But don't worry, with these 10 easy steps, you can learn how to store and organize kid's clothing like a pro!

1: Take everything out of the closet and sort

Start by taking everything out of the closet and sorting through the clothes. Decide what stays and what goes. Don't keep clothes that no longer fit or that your child doesn't wear anymore. You can donate these clothes to those in need.

2: Make a section for outgrown clothes

Create a section on the upper part of the closet to store outgrown child clothes that are not useful anymore. You can also donate them to needy people.

3: Pair up matching outfits

Pair up a matching outfit and hang them on one hanger. This will save you time and effort when dressing your child.

4: Keep frequently used clothes in the most convenient section

Keep seasonal clothes that your kid is actively using in the most convenient section of the closet where it is easy to grab them. This will save you time and effort when dressing your child.

5: Store less frequently used clothes on the upper side

Keep aside the clothes that your kids are not going to use frequently like designer clothes in the unused area on the upper side.

6: Use storage boxes to your advantage

Use storage boxes to keep items separate. They are perfect for socks, underwear, hanky's, and other random accessories.

7: Fold items vertically

By keeping Pyjamas and other folded items vertically by adding divider, can save your time and you will not mess up while grabbing them.

8: Keep shoes in a separate section

Make a separate section to keep the pair of shoes sandals and flipflops at the end of the closet.

9: Use remaining space for toys and games

The remaining part of the closet can cover your child's games, soft toys, and other accessories.

10: Use doors for accessories

Don't forget, you can even use doors of the closet to tie belt, scarfs and rubber bands using hooks.

Pro Tip: Audit your closets twice a year

Organizing your kid's clothes is a big task, especially if you are holding the clothes to pass down to the younger sibling. Take time at least twice a year to audit your closets and organize your Kid's clothes. This way you can save time and your kids will also learn to keep their closet organized. By keeping in contact with every cloth of your kid's, you can also save money by not spending it on an unnecessary repeating of clothes.

By following these 10 easy steps, you can store and organize your kid's clothing like a pro. By keeping your kid's clothes organized, you can save time and effort, reduce stress, and provide a sense of order and structure for your family. So, start organizing and enjoy a clutter-free closet today!

Also if you are looking for quality kids clothes online, don't hesitate to step by Pea Pea Store.

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